
SC: The 7 Deadly Sins- Fall, The Herald (Day 86)

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*Wisdom of the Eye*

Vigil's chamber was large and mostly empty save for a huge crystal structure in the middle of the room. Within it was another Gimme-er. It was as if it were frozen in time, though Erza and the rest could make out its breathing. Its eyes were closed but it was more than aware of their presence.

"Master Vigil, it is an honor," Erza said with a bow of respect. Dahgma did the same.  Raq stood there, crossed armed, waiting for his father's reaction.

The eyes of the frozen Gimme-er flared open, staring at the world around him, seemingly spiting everything they saw.

"Dahgma. Erza. I see you've returned," a voice perhaps more booming than it should have been rang out through the room.

"How are-" Dahgma was cut off.

"My son should have answered that," Vigil said harshly. "Don't waste my time. You're here to speak to me about these so called seven sins, correct?" Vigil asked.

Raq leaned over to Erza and whispered, "I told you guys." She shushed him and returned her attention to Vigil.

"Our apologies, Master Vigil. We were discussing the identities of the sins. We have a good idea as to who is who. However, we are unsure about the existence of Wrath," Erza summarized.

Vigil returned a blank stare.

"You children still have much to learn. I understand, as of now, our little pawn, Gluttony, is effectively luring many of the sins to one location, whether he realizes this or not.  Whoever this 'Wrath' is, we can assume, as the old saying goes: Mipbirds of a feather flock together."

Raq smiled at this suggestion. "In other words, you believe our wayward sin will eventually seek out the others?" Raq more so stated than asked.


"How would he or she know to seek them out? Could they be that self aware of the situation?" Erza  asked, though it was her thinking aloud. Vigil took it as a question to himself.

"It's what we can assume. Hypothetically this 'Wrath' knows of the sins and potentially our involvement. We'll see if we can find who it is and use this to our advantage," Vigil said.

"It'll take some time, Vigil," Dahgma said, "but I believe I have a little plan. You mean to use Wrath to lure them to us, correct?"

Vigil stared back slightly dubious.

"Allow me to handle this," Dahgma said with a wide grin.

"Don't be so eager to die, Dahgma. Be patient. Erza, speak your mind," Vigil said causing the xiankla to jump. She'd been thinking deeply about something.

"Erza, scared?" Raq joked to which he was met with a fist and a "shut up."

"Excuse me, Master Vigil. It is just I believe I know of a way we can get a clue as to the whereabouts of Wrath." Erza paused. "While the fragments scattered across the world, we know one chose Kamui, Gluttony. It may be wise to question who was with him at the time or knowledge of whoever else is close to him.  Perhaps the sins are all related in some way?"

"Very well. You have made a point. Dahgma and I will question the sneak wraith when he returns. Raq, I wish for you to seek out the group of sins currently engaged with Nassik and observe them. Perhaps they will indeed attract the last sin to them."

"What about protecting this place?" Raq asked.

"I think this mission has better use of your perception, my son."

"Master Vigil, what is my task?" Erza asked.

"One most suited to you, Knightwalker. I want you to find the Mountain Guild known as Dream Haven and I want you to end them. Interpret that how you like."

The Xiankla returned a smile most wicked.

The scheming turns darker.  86 Days Until The Solstice...

[Lv Up Progress]
*+1 Raq, Lv up! 1/1 (Lv2-->Lv3)
*+1 Erza, Lv up! 1/1 (Lv3-->Lv4)
*+1 Dahgma, Lv up! 1/1 (Lv3-->Lv4)
*+1 Vigil, Lv up! 1/1 (Lv1-->Lv2)
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